Monday, May 12, 2014

Ever felt your at wrong place??

Ever felt your at wrong place??

Do you think that is making you hate your life?

Then lets dig into this topic through this post, i have seen many people complaining that we are taught to do what we love and only then we get succeed or else remain as a example of Failure to all our relatives, well this is true to a lot extent, but on the other side of the coin though we succeed in life we wont be happy with it, and that's for sure

If you think this as a reason,which is making to stay still at your place and is not letting you move further, just sit back read with a peace filled mind

Now let me discuss three categories of solutions here
  • First is quite simple, just forget about the success and live like a LAME, if you don't fall into category then your my best reader, and i am sure one day or the other you'll sure taste the grand success in your life, and at that moment, you'll no longer remain as a bad example, and the rest for whom this option seems easy will stuck here forever googling the ways to succeed and be happy in life etc etc, choose your path

  • If your reading the second option, it means you have't opted the first and want to change your life at any cost, that is the spirit, lets move on with the solution

    This option is a difficult, but "don't forget great things are the results of difficult steps not the easier" here, this option is for those who have the courage and option of switching their career or any field that is bothering them to the one that they love.This is a difficult task initially because you have responsibilities to deal with, people to take care ,financial struggle etc, but just think for a minute, may be these does't make a strong reason for you to sit and watch rather than taking action, may its the fear of taking the risk of leaving a secure career which does't fetch you happiness and going behind the job which lights your heart and loved by your consciousness , if it is that fear? then its better to leave that fear instead of leaving your future, imagine yourself doing the work you love and staying happy though with a minimum outcome, you'll stay a happy man with a peace filled mind, that is what lacking in people who are so called rich but they try to find happiness or peace in places like meditation classes or yoga etc, they just want to buy happiness, but it is't possible right? on the other hand you who have done what you love have all those happiness in-built in you, you don't have to grope for it like them

    This was the second solution

  • Now with any reason you could't choose the second option, and even though you want something to change in your life and be happy then lets move on

    The first line that i wanted to state for the readers who want to opt the last but not the least option is "Love can happen twice". There is a reason why i specified the line, love does't mean only towards the opposite gender, it also refers to work we do, in this context its the love towards the work

    Let me tell you my story, where i had choosen a field which had brought my love to me, like every engineering aspirant i had a dream field to work, "Mechanical", also i had a hatred field "Computer science", i would literally hate this field of engineering, because i did't wanted to sit infront of a box for rest of my life without challenge in the work i do.This was my answer to anyone who questioned me about my hatred towards the field.

    But you call it fortunate or not, my rank resulted me to join "Information Technology" a computer related course, initially i was depressed that for the rest the of my life i have to stick to the work which is't there in my heart, but slowly i started to like programming and other stuff in the course.Though i hated this field long back but now it has become the love forever in my life, i have't intentionally fall in love with it, it just happened, i found a thing to which i can stick to the rest of my life

    You call it god's grace or luck, i found my real love in the box which i hated the most, that is life: "it gives you unexpected results", all you need to do is stay awake and wait for that love to happen,if you fill your eyes with tears that your in a wrong place, then you might miss that loving thing of yours forever and ever

    So, guys stay tuned and start loving the thing what your doing now, may be its the time, who wanted you to be in the place where you are, so that you can be at a better place in future, than you could go by the opportunity that you have missed. Everything happens for good, be optimistic guys, and start exploring the new love of yours

Well these were my solutions, choose the one which suits your state, but not the first one guys, because i know that the reader who had read till this line is not "LAME", hope you taste the nectar of success, stay happy and love your life, ultimately that is the only goal we need to reach. Be good - Stay happy.

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