Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Loosing the focus on the task that your supposed to do?

Have you ever faced problem in focusing on some work??

Do you thing that is abducting you from archiving your goals??

This a common problem to most of the people,these have a thought in mind and fail to execute it because they get distracted to many other reasons or things and finally just quit doing it or stick to it for the rest of their life, with my experience ill try to discuss why do we loose focus? and what did i to regain it??

First of all why is it necessary to focus on any work for its completion?? Lets to fun task take a magnifying glass and hold it in the sun, focus its bean on the other side on some piece of paper. What do you observe in some time is't very tricky or new, all you see is paper starts burning.This might look common but it explains us the power of focusing on a task, just imagine if you would have shifted the lift bean just a second before the ignition starts?? what would happen?? with mere common sense anyone could say that it would't burn.That the tich, that is the power of focus, once start focusing the things might not really workout with a instant pace, but the consistent focusing is required to archive what you really want.

The main reasons because of which we loose our focus are

  • You don't love that work
  • You are still in your comfort zone

Love towards the work is't a new topic for us, we have discussed its necessity in our previous posts, and we even knew that if we love it we will be automatically focused towards the work, but why is't happening practically? though people trying to do what they love but also fail in focusing over the job?

Well, to understand that first we need to confirm whether we really love the work, or we just want to do it, for someone or something which will the outcome of the completion, i.e whether we love the work or we love the outcome of the work? There is a big difference, between the two, if you love the work you will focus on the work, but if you love its outcome, you will start dreaming the outcome and will never ever bend yourself for doing it

To explain i would like to tell you my own story, as i stated i am working on a social networking site, my previous project was Learning management system for my college, i was fascinated by it, because if i could complete it and launch it for my college, everyone would be using it and i would become famous, i was carried away with those dreams and i would imagine my friends using it .This made me desperate to launch the site as soon as possible, for which i have chosen a shortcut, i was done with the functionality of the site, and the hard work of GUI was left, for which i downloaded a ready made template and incorporated my functionality in that design, to be frank though i completed the project in only a week, it was a achievement but finally i could't launch site, because there was one big feeling in some point of my heart that it was't my product, it was't designed by me, this feeling has always brought me down from launching it, the root cause for this was, that loved the result, not the product

But this time in my current project i was confirmed that i am in love with this work, because, this time i merely thought of the outcome and i always dream about work that has to be done, and those dreams does't let me to sleep, i generally sleep late nights, well it would be more apt if i say early mornings rather than late nights, at 3:00 am or so, i used to stick to my lappy in designing my own GUI for the product and when i close and try to sleep the thoughts would even haunt me in my dreams. Thus i came to know that i love the work and though its taking me long time to finish it, but still i have't opted any shortcuts for designing or anything, i am just trying hard to finish each and every detail on my own, thus i came to know how much i am in love with my work and it makes me a happier person than any other who thinks that they are better or quicker than me, now today i am standing with confidence that, some or the other day ill have my own social network created by myself

Sorry for that long story, but i felt that was the best example i could give out my life, i hope this will make you decide whether you really love the work or you just think that you love it. The next point in the story is i came out of comfort zone by designing my own GUI rather than adopting the ready made, though its hard i just want the site to be completely mine, this one feeling has made me get out and do the work.This helped to maintain my focus

Now lets come to the other side, where you really don't love the work but you need to focus, lets have few tips in gaining the focus, its not impossible, if you love the work, the focus comes naturally, but if you don't then you need to induce the focus through few tricks

1)Dream about the work, see your work everywhere you go, in everything you see
2)Stick notes that remind you about the work
3)Change your desktop screen or mobile screen wallpaper, reflecting that context, this will make you remember the work everytime you see them
4)Tell that your doing that work to the people whom you love, and the people who criticize you every time What this does is people of the second kind always try to poke you with that point and each time they do, your zeal towards completing the work becomes double and you will focus more

So, these were my opinions and experiences towards the focus guys, if you find anything opt for you, just adopt them, archive the success that your dreaming, and after your success don't forget to celebrate the moment, it makes you even more happy, and it increases your love towards life, then.. your life becomes more valuable. After all our ultimate goal is to Be good-Stay happy

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